


I’m very thankful that in my career I have taught in schools that embrace cultural diversity. This primary slideshow describes the significance of Easter for Christians and includes a link to an  Australian animation of the Easter story. As the longest Australian public holiday, a presentation of the Easter story provides an opportunity for students to understand our Judeo-Christian cultural heritage brought to Australia with the early settlers.  The Easter story represents Christian beliefs – just as Dreamtime stories represent Aboriginal culture and Ramadan reflects Muslim beliefs. An understanding of multiple cultural beliefs is enriching and essential for general knowledge in our multicultural society. There is no such thing as a neutral worldview, so I introduce all such cultural activities  with “This is what (group) believe about (event) …”


Posted by Nicola in Slideshows

Acts of Kindness

It is amazing what a difference it makes to “classroom climate” when we raise student awareness of the feelings and needs of others. This slideshow asks children to think about what makes them feel special and then encourages them to do those things for others – their friends and new potential friends. These ideas and others are available as Kindness Cards in the Flashcard Club.

Posted by Nicola in Slideshows

My Holidays!

You may like to use this early childhood slideshow during a maths mat time. The students or teacher count the number of children who participated in each holiday activity and then compare and discuss the totals at the end.


Posted by Nicola in Slideshows

Father’s Day

Just love the funny video, Dad’s Life! This light-hearted slideshow for primary students contains conversation starters based on the music video clip. Please also see the slideshow below: My Daddy Isn’t Here to address issues with students who won’t be be with their dads on Father’s Day.



The slideshow below is an unusual take on Father’s Day. Use just selected slides or them all to raise awareness and support those children who may not see their Dad on Father’s Day. It is just a sample of reasons why a child may not be with their father – there are many more. As in all teaching circumstances I’m sure you will determine what is appropriate for the needs of your class. Just a thing I’d like to add … a comment to my website mentioned that some children are not loved – hopefully they are by us! The child represented in the last slide has never known a Dad. At this point I ask the children who loves them eg family, friends etc And I say I love them too. It’s not just about the love of a father.


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Posted by Nicola in Slideshows

NAIDOC Week : 8 – 15 July 2018

A slideshow for primary school students to explore the theme of “Because of her, we can!” through the artwork displayed on the poster by Cheryl Moggs, winner of the 2018 competition. To get help with addressing individual student learning and behaviour management needs, watch the 2 minute clip from the sponsor underneath!

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Posted by Nicola in Slideshows

Webinar Feedback

Year 1 Teacher Webinar

Posted by Nicola in Endorsements